Use lets you design custom objects and even custom floors for your home in The Sims. Click on "Build" at the top of the screen to browse through and create custom flooring and wallpaper. Click the "Objects" button at the top of the screen to create custom furniture, devices and other tools for your Sim home. You can also use the site to create custom skins for your Sim characters.
Use The Sims Art Studio.The Sims Art Studio is a program specifically designed for the creation of paintings and other wall coverings to be used in the first Sims game. It was designed by Electronic Arts, but is no longer housed on its website. To download the program, go to the "Object Editors" page on (see Resources) and select the "Click Here" link next to the word "Download" for the program.
Use Object Editor. Object Editor is a program that lets you create objects for the home of your Sims from the ground up. You design the object and specify its properties. You can provide a name, a description and specify exactly what happens when your Sim interacts with it. Object Editor is designed to work with the first game in Electronic Arts' Sims series.