Things You'll Need
Choose which race you would like to learn first. There are three races in StarCraft 2, just like in StarCraft. Players can choose from Zerg, Terran, and Protoss.
Play the first set of challenges within the single player menu for the race you have chosen to play first. Choose "Tactical Command" for Terran, "Path of Ascension" for Protoss, or "For the Swarm" for Zerg. These challenges teach you some of the basic mechanics of the game with regards to "microing", or controlling your units.
Read the prompted help screen from the challenges. These brief tutorials give you insight on how to counter enemy units in an attempt to maximize your chance of success in battle. The help screen tells you exactly which units to use against the various groups of enemies.
Memorize the hard counters for the race you are playing. These can be referred back to at any time through the help menu.
Download replays from professional players that play the race you are playing. If you play Random, make sure to download replays from all three races. There are many sites that offer free replays, use your favorite search engine to locate a few.
Watch the replays from the professionals and pay attention to their build order and general strategy.
Mirror the professional's strategy during a ladder match.
Immediately watch replays after all of your matches, no matter if you win or lose. There is always something to be learned from each and every game.
Practice in custom games against friends or random opponents you find in chat channels and learn as many strategies as possible. Play in ladder matches for the best practice. After a few placement matches, you will be placed in one of the 7 leagues. The leagues are (in descending order) called; Grandmaster League, Master League, Diamond League, Platinum League, Gold League, SIlver League, Bronze League. To move up in the ladder, play as much as possible and keep a solid record by winning much more than you lose.