Things You'll Need
Trade or magic find for charms that add to strength and place them in your inventory. Also find any gloves, boots, helms and rings that add to strength that you can and equip them. You have to get your strength as high as possible without actually spending any extra stat points on strength.
Equip the armor you want to wear as soon as you reach the minimum required strength to use it. Everyone chooses different armor, but if you wanted to wear "Arkaine's Valor," for example, it requires 165 strength. If your base strength was 120, you would have to use enough charms and gear to add a combined total of 45 to your base strength.
Remove the gear you used to add to your strength and put the items in your stash. Even though removing these items means you will no longer have the required strength to use your armor, you are still able to wear the armor as long as you do not un-equip it. Make sure to keep the items you used in case you need to re-equip your armor later.