Click on your cell phone in the menu bar. Click on "Web," then click "Internet Browser" and "Search." Then, click on the article titled "Healthy Diet for Parrots."
Read up on what constitutes a healthy diet for parrots. There are certain things you should never feed a parrot as they could poison him.
Visit Jane's room. She has a child's toy oven that bakes small cakes. Click on the little oven and ask her if you can make something. She has all the ingredients you need right there.
Add crackers, nuts, blueberries, meal worms, mixed beans and lettuce to the little tin pan. Ignore all the other ingredients as they could harm Loulou.
Click on the oven door and the pan with the ingredients will pop into the oven.
Click in the red "On" button. When it's finished baking, the oven door will open.
Click on the pan to remove the cake and it will float to the middle of the screen. Click on the cake and it will go into your inventory.