Insert the GameShark cartridge into the GameBoy Advance's game slot. Insert the "Pokemon Emerald" game cartridge into the game slot on the GameShark cartridge.
Slide the GameShark's power switch to the "ON" position and slide the GameBoy Advance's power switch to the "ON" position to turn on the system.
Press the "Up" button on the GameBoy Advance's D-pad until the "New Game" option is highlighted. Press the "B" button to enter into the Editor.
Enter "Pokemon Emerald" as the game's name in the Editor. Use the GameBoy Advance's D-pad to highlight each character and press the "A" button to select the highlighted character. Press the "R" button to move right one space and press the "L" button to move left one space.
Press the "Start" button to save the name.
Enter the following master code in the Editor: D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5
Press the "Select" button to save the game's master code.
Highlight the "Add New Cheat" option and press the "B" button. Enter a name for the cheat in the Editor and press the "Start" button.
Enter the following code in the Editor: 82005274 0xxx. Replace the "xxx" portion of the code with the three-digit code that corresponds to the type of Berry you want. The three-digit codes for the different types of berries are as follows:
085 - Cheri Berry
Press the "Start" button to save the cheat.
Repeat steps eight, nine and 10 for the other Berry cheats that you want to add.
Scroll down to the "Pokemon Emerald" game listing on the main GameShark menu, then press the "Right" button on the D-pad.
Scroll down to the Berry cheat that you want to activate and press the "A" button. Repeat for any other Berry cheats that you want to activate, then press the "Start" button to start the game with the cheats enabled.
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3. Use the same method outlined in step four.
086 - Chesto Berry
087 - Pecha Berry
088 - Rawst Berry
089 - Aspear Berry
08A - Leppa Berry
08B - Oran Berry
08C - Persim Berry
08D - Lum Berry
08E - Sitrus Berry
08F - Figy Berry
090 - Wiki Berry
091 - Mago Berry
092 - Aguav Berry
093 - Iapapa Berry
094 - Razz Berry
095 - Bluk Berry
096 - Nanab Berry
097 - Wepear Berry
098 - Pinap Berry
099 - Pomeg Berry
09A - Kelpsy Berry
09B - Qualot Berry
09C - Hondew Berry
09D - Grepa Berry
09E - Tamato Berry
09F - Cornn Berry
0A0 - Magost Berry
0A1 - Rabuta Berry
0A2 - Nomel Berry
0A3 - Spelon Berry
0A4 - Pamtre Berry
0A5 - Watmel Berry
0A6 - Durin Berry
0A7 - Belue Berry
0A8 - Liechi Berry
0A9 - Ganlon Berry
0AA - Salac Berry
0AB - Petaya Berry
0AC - Apicot Berry
0AD - Lansat Berry
0AE - Starf Berry
0AF - Enigma Berry