Card Passwords
Enter Grandpa's Card Shop in the southwest corner of Clock Tower Square. To the right, is a terminal that you can use to enter card passwords for 1,000 domino each. After you enter the password, you need to buy the card from Grandpa. Here are the passwords for some of the powerful seven-star cards:
Garnecia Elefantis: 49888191
Beast of Talwar: 11761845
The Last Warrior from Another Planet: 86099788
Dark Magician: 46986414
Gaia the Dragon Champion: 66889139
Winged Dragon of Ra Phoenix Mode
Beat Paradox. Head to the card shop and enter the code "51404976" into the card terminal. You will learn the secret of the Winged Dragon of Ra. Head to Egypt and speak with Odion. He will take you to speak with Marik and you will receive the Winged Dragon of Ra (Phoenix Mode). If you have the Winged Dragon of Ra (Battle Mode), you will no longer be able to use it.
Change Reshef into Goemon Impact
Enter the password "25410867" into the terminal in the card shop. When you face Reshef in the final battle, he will take on the appearance of Goemon Impact, a giant mecha robot from Konami's Legend of Mystical Ninja franchise.
Hall of Eternity
After you beat Reshef in the final battle, reload the game. A new area on the map called the Hall of Eternity will be available where you can duel many characters, including two new duelists named Shadi and Noah.