Obtain all 86 Ham-Chat words to complete the Ham-Ham dictionary and unlock the Ham-Hams cutscene. Completely fill the Love-Meter and save all of the couples in the game. There are 21 couples in total. This will unlock the Couples cutscene. Lastly, defeat Spat in his Tower to unlock the Duet cutscene.
Hidden Riches
Use Tack-q on the green stones, which will reveal a hidden area. Use Tack-q on the song there to make it fall, unlocking the song, "Hidden Riches."
Monkey Salsa
Speak with Bog when the duck hatches after curing the Monkey to unlock the song, "Monkey Salsa."
Speak with the ghost near the piano and successfully answer its questions after obtaining Jamout from the soccer hamster and the shy hamster to unlock the song, "Moonlight."
Condor's Wings
Use the Ham-Chat word "Hamha" on the feather in Sunny Peak to unlock the song, "Condor's Wings."
Dizzy for You
Speak with the green hamster in the hula-dancing area to unlock the song, "Dizzy For You."
Flower Waltz
Get a perfect score in the Tack-q Bowling game to unlock the song, "Flower Waltz."
Go Ham Rangers
Watch the Ham-Show after getting the ghost family back to unlock the song, "Go Ham Rangers."
Great Springs
Use Dig-Dig in the Hot Spring area where Seedric was to unlock the song, "Great Springs."
Speak to the reporter and the hamster with the umbrella in Spat's Tower to unlock the song, "Hamour."