Winged Dragon of RA
To get the Winged Dragon of RA card, enter: "51404976" at Grandpa's Shop. Grandpa's shop is where you buy all of your cards. It will be very familiar to you by the time you can obtain the Winged Dragon card.
Winged Dragon of RA Pheonix Version
To get Winged Dragon of RA (phoenix version), you have to go to Marik in Egypt and tell him that you have found out the secret to the winged dragon. He will change the card to the overly powerful Winged Dragon of RA (Phoenix Version).
Using the Winged Dragon of RA
In battle, the phoenix version of the Winger Dragon turns into the actual Winged Dragon of RA. To get the Winged Dragon back, discard the phoenix-version by pressing "B" and it will resurrect as the normal Winged Dragon. This is easier, because you will not have to summon it using three monster cards.