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What Is the Difference Between Pokemon Silver & Crystal?

When a new Pokemon game is released, it comes in two versions, such as the 2000 release of "Pokemon Silver" and "Pokemon Gold." Generally, the only difference between the two versions is in the Pokemon available and minor plot variations. However, in 2001, Nintendo released "Pokemon Crystal" for the Game Boy Color, an upgraded version of "Silver" and "Gold" that not only changes some features of "Silver," but adds to it as well.
  1. Types of Pokemon

    • In every Pokemon game, certain Pokemon cannot be found in the wild and must be traded from a different Pokemon game. This is no different in "Silver" and "Crystal," as each version features Pokemon only able to be found in that version of the game. You can only find Mareep, Flaffy, Ampharos, Girafarig, Remoraid, Octillery, Vulpix and Ninetales in "Silver." In "Crystal," you can find Sandshrew, Sandslash, Spinarak, Ariados, Gligar, Mantine, Teddiursa and Ursaring. However, "Silver" and "Crystal" are compatible with each other, and you can trade Pokemon between the two games to fill your roster.

    Aesthetic Changes

    • "Pokemon Crystal" features a number of aesthetic changes over its predecessor. One of the major changes is that, for the first time in the series, you can play as a girl instead of a boy. However, the plot does not change if you choose a different gender. A wider palette of colors is also used in the game, due to "Crystal" being a Game Boy Color game, best seen in areas such as the Ice Cave and on the Pokemon sprites. Each Pokemon also receives a short animation when they attack, another first for the series.

    Gameplay Changes

    • "Crystal" features a number of improvements over "Silver," such as Pokemon learning different moves and different Pokemon behaviors. For example, an Eevee in "Crystal" can learn Baton Pass and a Dugtrio can learn Tri-Attack. The legendary Pokemon Suicune no longer runs from battle and is found in a static location, the Tin Tower, rather than appearing randomly in any of the game's routes. In addition, other Pokemon have had their locations changed in "Crystal," appearing in different routes than in "Silver." Element Stones, such as the Fire or Thunder Stone, are no longer limited to one each in your inventory, allowing you to now carry as many as you wish.

    Gameplay Additions

    • "Crystal" sees a number of gameplay additions to "Pokemon Silver," such as the Move Tutor and Battle Tower. "Crystal" marks the first appearance of the Move Tutor, who appears in front of the Goldenrod Game Corner. He can teach your Pokemon powerful moves, such as Ice Beam, for a fee. The Battle Tower, located north of Olivine City, allows you to battle other trainers for the chance to win prizes, such as statistic increasing items like Calcium. The Pokemon Seer, located in Cianwood City, can check hidden information about your Pokemon such as its happiness level. In addition, a new radio station was also added to "Crystal."

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