Complete the regular levels of the game. Navigate Kirby from left to right in each level, avoiding or destroying enemies until you reach the black door with the golden star on it, which marks the end of the level. Every time Kirby finishes a level, he places a pink flag outside of the door on the map screen, signifying the level is complete.
Find the switches located in a handful of levels. If the level door stays red with a gold star when you complete the level, you still have a switch left to find. When you hit the switch, you will uncover hidden levels on the map screen.
Complete the hidden levels that you uncover. These levels are often mini-game themed; for example, one of them tasks you with destroying bosses, one after the other.
Defeat the bosses. There is one boss per every five to seven stages. The bosses occupy stages devoted to them; defeating a boss clears the stage on which you encounter him.