Talk to the woman behind the counter at the Flower Shop in Route 104, south of Rustburo City. She will give you a Wailmer Pail as a gift.
Complete the game's primary storyline by defeating the Elite Four and your Rival. When you load your game again after doing so, you will begin back in your house. Your Dad will give you the S.S Tidal Ticket and you will receive a call from Scott, asking you to meet him on the ship.
Meet Scott on the ship at either the Lilycove Docks or the Slateport Docks. Take the ship to the Battle Frontier.
Travel to the southeast section of the Battle Frontier and look for an odd-looking tree that is different from all the others.
Open your menu and select the "Wailmer Pail." Use the Wailmer Pail while standing next to the tree to trigger an encounter with a wild Sudowoodo.
Weaken the Sudowoodo using your preferred strategy and throw a PokeBall to capture it.