The Game Boy video games "Pokemon: Ruby" and "Pokemon: Sapphire" both contain hundreds of Pokemon a player can catch and trade. With the release of "Pokemon: Fire Red" and "Pokemon: Leaf Green," Sapphire and Ruby players had access to even more Pokemon through trading between the two sets. Using this inter-generation trading both the Sapphire/Ruby generation and the Fire/Leaf generation can acquire Pokemon not readily available in their worlds. A player can use this method to transfer the Pokemon "Porygon" from either "Fire Red" or "Leaf Green" to "Pokemon: Sapphire."
- A copy of "Pokemon: Sapphire"
- A copy of either "Pokemon: Fire Red" or "Pokemon: Leaf Green"
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Acquire a Porygon in "Pokemon: Fire Red" or "Pokemon: Leaf Green." You can acquire a "Porygon" for 9999 coins at the "Celadon Game Corner" in "Pokemon: Fire Red" or 6500 coins in "Pokemon: Leaf Green."
Start your "Pokemon: Sapphire" game on another Gameboy and have both the "Pokemon: Sapphire" and "Pokemon: Leaf Green" or "Pokemon: Fire Red" players enter the trading center.
Using a link cable, or the short-wave censors built into most Game Boys, trade the "Porygon" from "Pokemon: Leaf Green" or "Pokemon: Fire Red" to "Pokemon: Sapphire."