Speak to Bog near the entrance to the Wildwood. He will teach you the Clingie dance.
Turn to the right and speak to the old hamster waiting to speak to Bog. You will learn Wait-Q.
Continue to the right until you return to the rocks where you heard music on your previous trip to the Wildwood. The music is still playing and should be easy to find.
Climb on top of the rocks and use Clingie. This will cause Hamtaro's friend Jingle to appear.
Say Wait-Q to Jingle to be taken to the wedding. During the cut scene, you will see the wedding canceled because of Spat's interference.
Turn to your left when the cut scene ends and enter the first building.
Speak to the Ham-Swap merchant to buy a rubber band for five seeds.
Exit the village and travel to the left until you reach a dead end, then go down a screen.
Encounter Spat. He may be there already. If he is not, stand on the yellow platform and say any word. In either case, Spat will throw a forked piece of wood at you. Pick it up.
Walk back to the village, but do not enter it. Instead, enter the building immediately outside of the village. It has a doormat and is easy to identify.
Say Putput to the character inside. He will fashion the Slingshot Ham Chat for you.