Go to Lilycove City in the northeast of the Hoenn Region and visit the MegaMart.
Go to the counter and save your game before talking to the girl there. Turn off your game and wait until the next day according to your game's internal clock, which should match the time in real life where you are.
Start the game again and play the lottery. If you win, collect your prize, but if you lose then turn off the game and load from the point before you played the lottery. Play the lottery again and your game will give you a different ticket number, because it recognizes that the date is different from the date you saved the game on.
Keep playing the lottery, re-setting each time you lose, until you win a prize. Matching two numbers wins you a "PP Up" item, matching three numbers wins an "Exp Share," matching four numbers yields a "Max Revive" and the top prize for matching five numbers is a "Master Ball."