Discard Plaguespreader Zombie to "Special Summon" Quickdraw Synchron.
"Summon" Stardust Xialong.
"Synchro Summon" Turbo Warrior.
"Special Summon" Plaguespreader Zombie. This will send Majestic Dragon to the top of your deck.
Activate Stardust Xialong's effect and "Synchro Summon" Stardust Dragon.
Activate One for One. This will allow you to discard Mad Archfiend to "Special Summon" Majestic Dragon.
"Synchro Summon" Majestic Star Dragon and activate its effect. This will negate the effect of your opponent's Dark Armed Dragon. Majestic Star Dragon can now use Dark Armed Dragon's effect, which will allow you to destroy Dark Armed Dragon.
Attack with Majestic Star Dragon and win the duel.