Choose your character. Since button No Mercies depend on button combinations the choice of character is important in completing the move.
Deplete the opponent's second life bar. When the opponent's life bar is emptied for the second time in a single fight, it means the fight is over and the opponent is helpless.
Move the appropriate distance for the finishing move. For instance, T.J. Combo's first No Mercy move (a half circle from "Back" to "Down" to "Forward" on the d-pad plus a "Medium Punch") needs to be done at close range, while his second No Mercy ("Back," "Back," "Forward, "Forward" and "Medium Punch") can be done from one character distance away.
Enter the button combination for the specific finishing move for that character. The combinations include a movement on the direction buttons followed by a kick or punch of the fierce, medium or quick type. Some No Mercy moves requires a fluid motion around the d-pad while others require quick button presses.