Tame your first horse then go to the arrows on the right. Keep going to the right and ignore any angry animals. Refill your water skin at any lake or body or water whenever it gets low.
Talk to the beaver near the river at the farthest right area. He wants you to find five branches. Go left from the squirrel and get off your horse to get the first branch. Go south from here. There are two more branches. Take the branch on the right.
Go to the left and around a rock to collect the third branch. Go to the northwest section of the screen to collect the fourth branch. Go slightly north of the beaver to find the fifth and final branch.
Talk to the beaver again and he'll let you pass the wooden bridge. Go as far to the northeast as you can and you'll see a bear. Ignore the bear and pick up the flute in this area. Go to the right to deliver the first horse to the Homeland and finish the first level.