Navigate to Route 110 and go to the Trick House. Talk to the Trick Master in the Trick House by moving to the upper-right corner of the screen, facing the table and pressing the "A" button.
Perform an HM Cut on the tree on the east to battle Sally, then perform another HM Cut on the tree to the east, north then north again and take the Orange Mail. Go back to where you battled Sally and cut the remaining two trees and the three trees east of there.
Fight Robin and her Pokemon then cut down the rest of the trees in the area. Knock on the door and use the phrase, "Trick Master is fabulous."
Find the Trick Master again in the eastern tree. Press the buttons here to close up the holes in the floor, then grab the Wave Mail.
Travel east again and fight the School Kid to get the Harbor Mail. Travel to Mauville and enter the building to the right of the Game Corner.
Talk to the girl and trade the Harbor Mail for the Coin Case.