Travel to the Northern Wastes area with Goku and activate your Scouter. A gate will be revealed once the scouter has been activated. Open and enter the gate, then activate the switch and cross the bridge to save the Namek on the other side. Goku must be level 30 or greater to open the gate.
Switch your character to Piccolo and travel to the Northern Mountains. You will encounter a character gate for Piccolo here. Open the gate and enter to find and save the Namek inside. Piccolo needs to be level 30 to open the gate.
Go to West City and enter the Apartment B building. Climb up four flights of stairs to the fourth floor. You will find another missing Namek here.
Exit the Apartment building and travel to the nearby Mayor's House. Enter the house and move into the kitchen. Another Namek will be walking around inside the kitchen.
Travel to the Tropical Islands location and progress through the map until you near the end. You will see a level 35 Vegeta gate. Go east past the gate until you find the next missing Namek.
Go into the forest south of Goku's House and travel west. You will come across a gate that requires a level 30 Vegeta to open. Open the gate and move through, then head into the northeast corner of the forest. Use your upgraded scouter to see a secret location above the northeast corner. Go all the way east in this corner, then head north into the trees to find the Namek hidden here.
Travel to Kami's Tower and head to the northwest corner. A missing Namek will be standing there waiting for a rescue.