Things You'll Need
Begin playing "Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness" on your GameCube and catch the 82 Pokemon available in the game.
Begin playing "Pokemon Fire Red" and defeat the elite four at the end of the game. This will allow you to receive the National Dex.
Go to the Lighthouse in Gateon Port (in "Pokemon XD") after you have caught the 82 Pokemon. Access the Wanderer Mirror B. to engage in battle with the Shadow Dragonite. Weaken the Pokemon with attacks, then use a pokeball to catch it.
Purify the Dragonite by using it in battle and giving it items in accordance with it's nature. Once the Dragonite is completely purified, travel to the Pokemon Center in Phenac and access the network machine.
Connect your GBA to your GameCube with your GBA GameCube transfer cable, and begin playing "Pokemon Fire Red" again. Travel to the nearest Pokemon center and activate the network machine. Using this machine, trade the Dragonite from your "Pokemon XD" game to your GBA. This Dragonite will have access to the "Heal Bell" move.