Pokemon Emerald
Capture all 202 Pokemon found in the Hoenn Region of Pokemon Emerald. This means completing the game and then going back and capturing any missed Pokemon.
Check your Pokenav for a message from Professor Birch asking you to come see him.
Navigate to Littleroot Town in Hoenn and go into his house in the southwest corner of town.
Talk to Professor Birch to get your choice between Chikorita, Cyndaquil or Tododile. Highlight the Pokemon you wish to claim and press the "A" button.
Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold or Soulsilver
Start a new game, choose your character's name, and press "start."
Watch the conversation between your character and Professor Elm.
Select Chikorita when asked to choose a Pokemon. You will be given three options, which vary between Pokemon versions.