Go to ACDC Town, Lan's hometown, and enter Higsby's Shop in the upper left corner of the area. In this store, you may buy chips from Higsby's discount area, the specials display or by talking to Higsby himself. At the discount counter, chips may be purchased for as low as 300 Zenny.
Go to the stores on the in-game Internet and the Undernet to purchase many different types of Battle Chips. You may send Mega Man to the Internet by interacting with an electronic device or appliance. Most main areas of the Internet have shops.
Interact with the Lottery Machine in Higsby's shop. You may enter a password into the machine to receive an array of Battle Chips. Each chip has its own password (see Resources).
Talk to your friends, such as Mayl. At certain times in the game, they may give you a special Battle Chip.
Play through the missions in the game. After beating a mission you are often given Battle Chips as a reward.