Things You'll Need
Locate a Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen player that owns an Aurora Ticket. Talk to people at local video game stores to find players or search through online forums for Pokemon trading.
Connect your Game Boy Advance to the other player's Advance with the link cable.
Load your Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen cartridge into your Game Boy Advance. Turn on your Game Boy Advance and load your saved game. Your trading partner must have a Pokemon hold his Aurora Ticket so you can receive it in a trade.
Travel to the nearest Pokemon Center and go to the upstairs room. Walk to the third attendant in the room, closest to the right wall, and press "A."
Agree to save the game when you are asked to do so before trading. You must wait for your trading partner to join your link group before proceeding.
Select a Pokemon from the list to trade to your partner in exchange for the Pokemon holding the Aurora Ticket.
Leave the trading room after the trade has been completed.
Save your game and turn off your Game Boy Advance. Remove the link cable connecting your Game Boy Advance to your trading partner's Advance.
Turn your Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen game back on and load your saved game. Access your starting lineup of Pokemon by pressing "Select."
Take the Aurora Ticket from the Pokemon holding it by highlighting its name, pressing "A" to select, highlighting "Take" in the menu that appears and pressing "A" again.