Go forward until you see the first two sets of letters. Rearrange the first set of letters to read "DOCK" and the second to read "HALL."
Follow the path now marked "HALL" until you reach a purple button. Step on the button. Go back until you reach the first set of letters.
This time, follow the path marked "DOCK." You will reach another bunch of letters, arranged into three sets. Rearrange them to read "HIP," "TOE," and "ARM," respectively.
Go down the "HIP" path until you reach another button to stand on. Double back and go down the "ARM" path to stand on yet another button.
Go back to the letters and take the "TOE" path. A FullEnergy chip can be found if you search around above the arrows.
Use the next two sets of arrow panels, but do not use the third. Go down the path, where you will find a Spreader E chip. Continue down the path.
A cutscene will trigger, telling you to search back at The Lab for the next passcode. Check around the sofas in The Lab until you find the WorkMemo.
Enter the code on the WorkMemo, which should read "53214." Save your game and be prepared, because a boss battle is just around the corner.
Defeat the boss, and you will be able to proceed on past Main Comp 2.