Go into any Poke Mart in the game and then move to the clipboard located near the checkout counter and shopkeeper. Press the "A" button on your GameBoy Advance to view the clipboard.
Use the directional pad on your GameBoy Advance to type "Link Together With All" into the text box of the clipboard questionnaire.
Press "A" when finished with typing the text into the clipboard and then shopkeeper will talk to you. Press the "A" button to continue the conversation with him.
Press the "Start" button to access menu options and click on the "Save" option to save your game progress. Click on the "Quit" option to return to the main menu.
Select the "Mystery Gift" option from the main menu by pressing the "A" button. Connect the wireless adapter to your GameBoy Advance to connect to a Nintendo Event through the "Mystery Gift" menu to receive new tickets and Pokemon, including the Mystic Ticket and Aurora Ticket.