High School Musical: Livin' the Dream
"High School Musical: Livin' the Dream" is a Game Boy Advance game created by Disney Interactive Studios. Taking place after the events of the popular television movie, the game follows Troy, Gabriela, Chad, Kelsi, Sharpay and the rest of the cast as they prepare for a statewide talent competition. As trouble ensues, the player has to contend with many obstacles, including finding missing props and instruments for the show.
Disney Princess: Royal Adventure
You won't get to be a Disney Princess in the Royal Adventure game, but you'll travel to each princess's world and enlist her help in finding a collection of lost crowns. As a castle caretaker, the player is able to explore the secrets of the palace, facing challenges to gain strength. The game features appearances from Disney's most famous heroines, including Snow White, Cinderella, Jasmine, Ariel, Sleeping Beauty and Belle.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Based on the second film in the popular Pirates of the Caribbean series, Dead Man's Chest takes place on the high seas in a battle between Captains Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones. Along the way, Jack hops from island to island and finds himself on the run from British soldiers and cannibals. Dead Man's Chest for the Game Boy Advance lives up to the spirit of pirate life, incorporating the occasional treasure-hunting opportunity for additional points.
Shrek 2: Beg for Mercy
Shrek 2 for the Game Boy Advance follows the storyline of the accompanying film, in which the newlywed ogres, Shrek and Fiona, visit the kingdom of Fiona's parents. When Princess Fiona's parents attempt to find a more suitable match for their daughter, Shrek and his loyal band of fairytale characters must defeat the devious Fairy Godmother and reunite Shrek and Fiona. Shrek 2 is puzzle-oriented, but simple enough for younger children. The game puts special emphasis on teamwork, allowing the player to switch between characters to complete each task.
Little chefs will find something to love from the Game Boy Advance version of Disney's Ratatouille. As Remy the rat, players must navigate through a busy Parisian restaurant in order to collect hidden ingredients. Completing your task opens mini cooking challenges, but along the way, Remy will have to avoid mousetraps and other obstacles.
Classic Titles
Many of Disney's classic films have been transformed into enjoyable interactive games for the Game Boy line of video game consoles. Titles such as Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Peter Pan, Cinderella, Alice and Wonderland and the Lion King are available for older and updated versions of the Game Boy. Nintendo also makes older games compatible with the latest version of the Game Boy, as well as the Nintendo DS.