The system was originally released in 1989. It featured a gray-scale screen, two game play buttons and a D-pad for directional movements. Games were played using a miniature cartridge and the Game Boy was powered by 4 AA batteries.
Game Boy Pocket
Complaints about the Game Boy's size and color options led to the release of the Game Boy Pocket and the Game Boy Color in 1996. The smaller version featured limited colors and was propelled by the success of the Pokemon Game Boy games.
The original Game Boy system was often packaged with the game "Tetris". This puzzle game featured different sized blocks that needed to be matched together in order to form lines.
Super Mario Land
"Super Mario Bros." was a hit for Nintendo and Mario was quickly ported to the Game Boy. "Super Mario Land" and "Super Mario Land 2" both gave Mario fans, new levels, new enemies and a portable way to enjoy Mario. The sequel actually featured a "Save" mode for the Game Boy.
While the Game Boy was great on the go, it often ate through batteries fast, especially since it took 4 batteries to operate. The system was fragile as well. If the screen was hit in any way, it could easily crack and prevent the Game Boy from functioning again.