Press Square, Square, R1, X, X, L1, Circle, Circle to make drivers aggressive. Fair warning: This will make it virtually impossible for you to steal a car, but it is hilarious!
Punch in Triangle, Triangle, R1, Square, Square, L1, X, X to turn all traffic lights to green. This will make it a bit more difficult to navigate the streets. On the plus side, it turns the entire game into a demolition derby.
Hit Triangle, R1, L1, Down, Down, R1, R1, Triangle to make all cars chrome-plated. Shiny!
Tap Circle, Circle, R1, Triangle, Triangle, L1, Square, Square to make all cars black.
Use Circle, X, Down, Circle, X, UP, L1, L1 to make cars float on water.
Press L1, L1, Left, L1, L1, Right, X, Square to destroy all cars in range. Before you do this, make sure you are not in a car! This sequence blows up your current vehicle too.
Hit L1, L1, Left, L1, L1, Right, Triangle, Circle to spawn the Rhino. Be aware that this causes a ton of damage and will get you lots of Wanted Stars in very little time.