Hobbies And Interests

Cheats for Scarface

"Scarface: The World Is Yours" was released by Sierra Entertainment in 2007 for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, PC and Wii, and like most video games, cheats exist to help you defeat it. Loosely based on the Brian De Palma movie "Scarface," the video game version allows you to control Tony Montana on his quest for power. Using cheats within the game will help you gain that power.
  1. Staying Alive

    • During game play on either the PlayStation 2, Xbox or Wii version of "Scarface: The World Is Yours," pause the game and navigate to the cheats screen. Once you are in the cheats screen, enter the code "MEDIK." This will refill your entire health meter, allowing you to basically remain invincible throughout the game. If you enter "FPATCH," your balls meter will fill up, which basically means you can cause more damage. If you enter "AMMO," you will have your gun fully loaded with ammunition, again allowing you to cause more damage within the game.

    The Heat

    • Throughout the "Scarface" video game, you attract heat -- or attention -- from either the cops or another gang. If you enter "NOBALLS" on the cheat screen, the gang heat will decrease. However, "GOBALLS" increases the gang heat; use this cheat if you want more of a challenge within a specific level. If you enter "FLYSTRT," you will decrease the cop heat within the game. Entering "DONUT" will increase the cop heat, again creating more of a challenge.


    • You have the ability to control the weather, to a certain degree, within "Scarface: The World Is Yours." By entering the code "RAINY," you can make it rain within a given location. If you enter the code "SHAZAAM," you can cause lightning to arrive. If you enter "MARTHA," you can change the hour, making it either daytime or nighttime. Enter "TUNEME," and the game will start to play a song entitled "The World Is Yours." While these cheats don't exactly help you beat the game, they do change its atmosphere.

    Vehicles and Clothes

    • Similar to "Grand Theft Auto," the "Scarface" video game lets you take control of an array of vehicles. If you enter the code "DUMPER," you can make a dump truck spawn. Entering "DOZER" makes a bulldozer appear, while "666999" conjures up a Bacinari and "OLDFAST" makes an Ariel MK III spawn. These vehicles can become quite damaged during game play. However, "TBURGLR" will automatically repair all damages to any vehicle you are controlling. You can also change Tony's wardrobe in a variety of ways. For example, "Hawaii" will give Tony an Hawaiian shirt, while "WHITE" will give him an all-white suit.

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