Hobbies And Interests

How to Get in the Restricted Building in Assassin's Creed

"Assassin's Creed II" is an action-adventure video game released in 2009 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. The game's plot centers on a futuristic machine called the "Animus 2.0" that employs the use of DNA to allow your character to relive the "genetic memories" of a 15th century Italian nobleman-turned-assassin named "Ezio Auditore da Firenze." You conduct dangerous missions as Ezio in locales like Venice, Forli, Florence and Tuscany. In Venice you encounter a restricted building that holds secrets you need to advance the plot. The problem for most is getting inside.


    • 1

      Face the front entrance of the restricted building and head south -- to your right -- keeping the restricted building on your left. Take care not to get too close to the building or the guards will attempt to kill you.

    • 2

      Turn left around the corner and proceed straight ahead -- still keeping the restricted building on your left -- until you reach a small bridge going over water. Walk onto the bridge, but don't cross it all the way.

    • 3

      Peer down over the left side of the bridge and you will see a few docks. Jump down to the first dock and then continue to jump until you reach the final dock. Only water should lay in front of you at this point. The restricted building should still be on your left; a small waterway separates you from it.

    • 4

      Climb the wall immediately to your right and walk along its top edge until you reach a building. Climb to the roof, where you will see a wooden crane straight ahead of you. Climb the crane and walk carefully to the very edge of the crane's arm that extends over the water. At this point, you should be perched high above the water, directly across from the restricted building.

    • 5

      Jump from the crane to the hanging platform ahead of you. Jump from the hanging platform to the roof and you will find yourself on top of the restricted building.

    • 6

      Locate the iron fence to your left and walk along the fence-line until you reach a ladder going down. Climb down the ladder. You will see a skull highlighted between two small stone pillars immediately to your left.

    • 7

      Approach the skull and "interact" with it. A secret door in the wall will open and you will have access to the restricted building and the secrets that dwell within.

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