Secret Level Cheat
This cheat will allow you to play a secret level in the game. First you must go to the arena select screen. When you are there you must enter the following cheat code. Press "Comma" and "Period" together, then press "Down," "Up," "X," "Up," "Right," "Y" and then "Comma" and "Period" together again. If this code is entered correctly, you will be able access the secret level.
All Chapters, Spells and Mishra Cheat
Using this cheat will automatically unlock all the chapters, spells and Mishra so that you can use them in the game. To begin, navigate to the quest selection screen, where you must enter the cheat code. Press "Comma" and "Period" simultaneously, and then press "Down," "Up," "C," "M," "Up," "Right," "Left," "Down," and then "Comma" and "Period" simultaneously again.
All Duelists Cheat
If you want to be able to use all the duelists available in the game, use this cheat. From the main menu go to the character select screen and enter the following cheat code: Press "Comma" and "Period" at the same time, then press "Down," "Up," "X," "M," "Up," "X," "N," "Up," "X," then "Comma" and "Period" again.
Cheat for Unlocking Characters
You must be in arcade duel mode for this cheat to work. Play the first level with a pre-set duelist until you win. Once you have won all six fights with this character, a new character will be available to use in arcade duel mode. This works with all the different characters. For example, if you play as "Keroc" and are victorious in all of the six fights, you will find that "Mintora" becomes available to use. Success in six fights with "Mintora" will unlock the character Ishan's Shade." Try this cheat with all the different characters in the game.