Maximum Stats
For maximum defense stats, enter the code "800C0E2C 03E0." For maximum energy stats, enter the code "800C0E2E 03E0." To have maximum status recovery, enter the code "800C0E30 03E0." Enter the code "800C0E2A 03E0" for maximum offensive stats. For maximum active time to perform your maneuvers, enter the code "800C0E32 03E0." Enter the code "800C0E34 03E0" for the maximum amount of item capacity. For the maximum amount of attack points, enter the code "800B8A30 FFFF."
Infinite Features
For infinite health, enter the code "800B8A2C 03E7." Enter the code "8004AAAC 0000" for infinite bonus points. For infinite ammunition in all of your weapons, enter the code "80056BE0 0000."
Experience Cheats
To start the game at level 99, enter the code "800C0E0A 0063." To gain experience quicker while playing, enter the code "8009CFE8 FFFF."
Game Time
To keep the game time at 00:00:00 while you play, enter the code "800A76BC 0000" followed by the code "800A76BE 0000."