Infinite Cash
Enter the following code:
021a292c 3b9ac9ff
021a2fdc 3b9ac9ff
This will give you an unlimited amount of cash to buy items.
Maximmum Trainer Points
Enter the following code: 021a28c0 0001869f
You will then receive the maximum allowable training points.
Maximum Points: Disc Competition
This code, when entered, will give you the maximum allowable points in the Disc Competition:
6214da80 00000000
b214da80 00000000
20000056 00000063
d2000000 00000000
Maximum Walking Distance
Entering the following codes will allow one of your three dogs to achieve the maximum walking distance: Enter "121a76b6 00000125" to affect dog 1. Enter "121a91b6 00000125" to affect dog 2. Enter "121aacb6 00000125" to affect dog 3. Do not include quotes in the codes.
Infinite Competition Entry
Entering the following codes will allow one of your three dogs to enter as many competitions as you like: Enter "221a76ca 00000001" to affect dog 1. Enter "221a91ca 00000001" to affect dog 2. Enter "221a88ca 00000001" to affect dog 3. Again, do not include quotes in the codes.