The third in the Spider-Man video game franchise, "Spider-Man 3" follows the plot of the third film. Peter Parker, everyday guy turned superhero thanks to a radioactive spider bite, faces down Venom, Rhino, Kingpin, Lizard and Kraven the Hunter as he slings webs and cracks wise. For PlayStation 2 gamers, cheats, accessible through the cheat menu, can heighten game play or help get out of a tricky spot. In "Spider-Man 3," entering cheats is a simple matter of finding the cheat menu.
Finish the game. The cheat menu only works once the game has been entirely played through.
Press the "L1," "L2," "R1" and "R2" buttons, which are located at the top of the PlayStation controller, at the same time. The cheat menu will pop up.
Enter a cheat code.