Cheats are available for added game enhancement and quicker movement through the levels. Enter the cheats at the code input screen in the "Options" menu.
Type "BRNGITN" for double health for enemies and "HLTHDSE" for double health for Hulk. Type "NMBTHIH" to reset the high score. Type "GMMSKIN" for the Hulk to be invincible. Type "TRUBLVR" to select a different level. Type "FLSHWND" to regenerate Hulk and "GRNCHTR" for unlimited continuations.
Cheats are available to access during play at in-game code terminals. Enter "JANITOR" to play as a gray Hulk. Enter "FIFTEEN" to unlock Desert Battle art. Enter "NANOMED" to unlock Hulk Movie art. Enter "SANFRAN" to unlock Hulk Transformed art and enter "PITBULL" to unlock Hulk versus Hulk Dogs art.