Things You'll Need
Wait for Venom to unleash a string of attacks. Stay out of range as he unleashes the attacks, but stay close enough to attack him because he is vulnerable once he is done.
Repeat Step 1 until Venom goes into a rage. You will know that Venom is in a rage when he turns a flashing red. Be especially cautious of his attacks, as they have effectively doubled in strength. It is virtually impossible to harm him in this state, so don't bother trying to attack him.
Look for the building piping. Once Venom's rage begins, you will be shown the locations of piping stacks via a green exclamation point. Move to the second level where there are two stacks of pipes on either side of the floor.
Break free from Venom's webbing. As you approach the pipes, Venom will try to stop you by webbing you. Break free by rapidly pressing the "Punch" button.
Hit the pipes. After you hit the pipes, this will make Venom vulnerable for a few seconds--long enough for you to land some serious damage on him. The pipes reappear after a few seconds, so move back and forth between the two stacks of pipes and repeat the process.
Continue the process. After the New Goblin cut scene, Spider-Man and Venom will both have very low life. Continue hitting the pipes to defeat Venom once and for all.