Things You'll Need
Transfer the GCI file to an SD card. Once the transfer is complete, remove the SD card from your computer and insert it into the memory card adapter for your GameCube. The Nintendo Wii uses the same type of memory card, so you can use an adapter designed for the Wii as well as for the GameCube.
Insert the memory card adapter into your GameCube, and then insert the game disk. Power on the GameCube, and wait for the game to load. Typically, games will load in a minute or two.
Open the save-game menu using the on-screen instructions. Each game is different, so check the manual for your game if you aren't sure how to proceed. Most games will have a "Load Game" option. If the game is the one associated with your GCI file, you will see a saved game displayed. Select it and open the saved game to open your GCI file.