Find Azraman. When you get to the Tamarith Citadel, which is filled mostly with animated armor as enemies, you will run into Azraman right before the boss fight. He's frozen in a giant chunk of ice and barely alive. At this point you have to decide whether to save Azraman or leave him to his fate. He's technically an ally in the game, but this instance makes him an encounter point to test the morality of the player.
Allow Taurgis to stay and help Azraman. This means you won't have Taurgis for the boss fight, which makes things harder, but you can defeat the boss Imarbeth. Keep items and spells that ward off death magic, and use fire when he's flying. Eventually you'll do enough damage to bring him down.
Collect your reward. After you've defeated the boss, Taurgis and Azraman will meet up with you and Azraman will give you extra treasure, like the Tagan Warhammer that Azraman gives to Taurgis for saving him.