Golden Fishing Rod
Catch every fish in the game to earn to the fishing rod. All 40 of the fish can be purchased at the market, but those purchased do not count toward the golden rod.
Fish for certain fish in the months of May through October. These fish include angelfish, catfish, frog, arowana, crawfish, eel, giant snakehead, jellyfish, killifish, piranha and salmon.
Look for certain fish all year round. These are the easiest fish to catch and include barbel steed, bass, bluegill, sea bass, pale chub, koi, red snapper, goby, goldfish, carp and dace.
Wait for rainy weather to come and then fish in the ocean for the rare coelacanth fish. This is one of the hardest fish to catch, but you will eventually find if you fish every time it rains at night.
Fish in different locations to increase the variety. Various fish are located in rivers, ponds, the ocean and waterfalls so change the location and time of day you fish to increase the variety.
Golden Axe
Visit the wishing well every couple of days for updates on things and places you can work on to make your town "perfect." When you approach the well, choose the "How are you?" selection every time for specific directions about improving your town.
Keep exactly 12, 13, or 14 trees on wooded acres in your town. The game uses a point system and this exact amount of trees will allow you to earn two points for every acre and eventually reach the "perfect town" status.
Plant flowers around the town and pick out as many weeds as you can. Weeds count negatively against the town, but flowers cancel them out. This is not a big priority, but completing this will add points quickly.
Remove trash from your town every other day. This is one of the biggest negative-point items and can quickly eliminate a "perfect town" status. Once all of the trash is removed, the wishing well should appear with the "perfect town" message.
Maintain your town for two weeks and at the end of two weeks, the wishing well will award you with the Golden Axe.