Unlock Event Matches 11 to 15 by winning five of the first 10 matches.
Complete the first 15 events to unlock Event Matches 16 through 20.
Win in Event Matches 16 to 20 to access Event Matches 21 to 25.
Clear Event Matches 21 to 25 to unlock Event Matches 26 to 29.
Complete 27 of the first 29 event matches to unlock Event Match 30.
Unlock Event Matches 31 through 40 by unlocking Luigi, Dr. Mario, Ganondorf and Pichu. To unlock Luigi you need to play 800 VS matches. Unlock Dr. Mario by playing 100 VS matches or clearing Classic mode with Mario. Unlock Ganondorf by beating Event Match 29 or playing 600 VS matches. Unlock Pichu by playing 200 VS matches or clearing Adventure mode as Mewtwo.
Unlock Event Matches 40 through 50 by unlocking all of the hidden characters.
Defeat the first 50 Event Matches to unlock the final stage, Event Match 51. If you beat Event Match 51, you'll be able to play regular melee battles on the Final Destination map.