Things You'll Need
Turn off and unplug all cables from the GameCube. This prevents possible electrical damage when applying the rubbing alcohol.
Press the Open button to open the disk drive. Remove game disk if present.
Dip one end of the cotton swab into the rubbing alcohol and wipe off the excess. If the cotton swab is dripping, then it is too wet.
Gently rub the cotton swab against the laser lens. The laser lens looks like a small round piece of glass near the center of the opened disk drive. Make sure when rubbing the cotton swab against the laser lens to be extremely gentle; even a little pressure can offset the laser lens.
Gently rub the dry end of the cotton swab against the disk to remove any excess dust and rubbing alcohol. Again, be extremely gentle with the laser lens.
Leave the disk door open and wait 5 minutes for the lens to dry.
Plug in all cables and insert a game disk to test. If the Read Disk Error appears after you clean the lens, then the disk drive may be nonfunctional. Return your console to the manufacturer (if under warranty) or purchase another GameCube. Buying a new console costs less than purchasing repair parts.