Things You'll Need
Make "WooHoo." WooHoo is the term that means to have sex. While having two Sims lie on the bed--they have to be in love--click on one of them and their action bubble will come up. Click on the option that says "Try for Baby." This will prompt the Sims to Woohoo; if this is done enough times, pregnancy will ensue.
Get abducted. In "The Sims 2," males can get pregnant as well. You will need to purchase a telescope from the shopping menu and place it near a window. When night falls, have your Sims go to the telescope and choose the "Stargaze" option. If this is done enough times, aliens will abduct your male Sims character and bring him back pregnant.
Care for your pregnant male or female. The pregnancy lasts about 10 Sims days; during that time, your pregnant Sim will become very needy. Allow your pregnant Sim to rest, eat and just have fun because she will need it in order for the pregnancy to be a success.
Birth the child. When the 10 Sims' days are over, there will be a cut scene of a baby being delivered. If your female Sim was pregnant than the baby will be a Sim, if is was your male that got pregnant, it will be an alien baby.