Universal Wires
The wires for a Game Cube are interchangeable with universal audio-visual wires that have red, white and yellow tips, also called audio video cables or A/V cables. You can purchase A/V cables from most electronic stores and from Nintendo's online store that carries replacement parts for its game systems. You can find new and used A/V cables from a wide variety of online sources as replacement wires. If you are in a hurry to set up your game system, local electronic stores will have a supply of A/V cables.
Use Wires From N64
The Game Cube is Nintendo's upgraded system from their Nintendo 64. Anybody who was previously using the Nintendo 64 and still has his system can interchange the wires with the Game Cube. If the older wires are showing wear or damage to the exterior insulation, replace them.
Cable Adapter
When hooking up your Game Cube for the first time on an older television, you will be short one item from the newly purchased box with your game console. Older TVs lack the necessary cable TV input. In order to complete the installation of your game system, you will need to obtain a very inexpensive adapter that can be found at any local electronics store. This adapter will allow you to make the necessary cable connection through the UHF antenna connectors.