Reach the game's seventh level, titled "The Jungle Banquet." Enter the Melon Field and switch characters to play as Gloria.
Speak with the boar, which will instruct you to smash 19 melons. Eat the red chili peppers to gain speed and use Gloria's ButtBounce ability to smash through the field.
Switch to Marty and speak with the frog near the top of the Melon Field. Use Marty's long-jump ability to beat the frog in a jumping contest.
Travel to the left of the frog to find a climbable hill. Reach the top and speak with the lemur, which will send you sliding down a trail on the other side. Shift right while sliding down the hill to enter the Hero Tree area.
Switch characters to Alex. Head to the right of the entrance to see a tray filled with food items. Jump onto the tray and jump again to a rock that acts as a platform.
Double-jump with Alex's special ability directly off the front of the rock to land in a tree, where you can collect the pineapple by touching it.