Things You'll Need
Anticipate running plays by game situation. The only way to stop the run consistently is to anticipate likely running situations and prepare accordingly. In general teams are more likely to run on first and second down than third or fourth. Opponents are also more likely to run out of specific sets, such as the I-form, where a bevy of blockers can contribute to clearing out the running back's path. As the game progresses, teams are more likely to run when they are ahead then when trailing.
Position more defenders close to the line of scrimmage. Once you have guessed that your opponent is preparing a running play, stopping the run can be achieved in a number of ways. The easiest is to choose defenses, such as the 46, that place men closer to the line of scrimmage than the more traditional 3-4 and 4-3 defenses. Another way to do this is to manually slide a defensive back "into the box," and use player control options to attack the running back with this man after the snap and hand-off.
Utilize audibles. There are several ways to bring defenders in to help the run after you have called a defensive play. If you anticipate that your opponent is preparing to run the ball (occasionally given away by the "playmaker" tag), you can control all of your defensive backs in concert by tapping "Y" and using the options on the screen to move your backs into press coverage, or to crowd the line. After the ball is snapped, by pulling the "C-stick" down you bring your defense into prioritizing the run, a gamble that can be exploited by play-action, but is devastatingly effective when the back tries to grind through the teeth of the defense.
Select a high-tackle linebacker to cover the running back at all times. In the "player matchups" tab of the "Coaching Strategy" menu assign your premier linebacker to the running back. Many big ground gains come from the running back breaking the tackles of smaller defensive backs trying to contain. By assigning a big defender to the running back, these miscues can be avoided.