Visit the Harvest Promenade Dias Center and speak with the Minister of Autumn, whose responsibility it is to oversee the season of changing colors and harvests. Accept the Minister's "Preparation for Autumn" list. Collecting one red seed is the fourth and final item on the list.
Visit Tink's Workroom to repair items and to complete the list's first task.
Explore the Harvest Promenade to collect the necessary red leaves to complete the list's second task.
Explore the Fall Forest and gather yellow leaves to complete the list's third task.
Visit the Rose Blossom Chalet. Speak to Rosetta, the Garden Fairy.
Paint ladybugs for Rosetta. Keep painting ladybugs until Rosetta rewards you with a red seed. Earning the red seed will complete the list's fourth and final task.
Return to the Harvest Promenade Dias Center and speak to the Minister of Autumn, informing him of the completed tasks.