As you enter the Clouds of Passaj, walk forward, jumping across the platforms. Turn right when you reach the first green cloud.
Jump on the cloud and open the "Psynergy" menu. Select Karis when asked whose Psynergy you want to use, and then select "Whirlwind."
Press the right shoulder button to map whirlwind to this button. Since you will be using it multiple times in this area, create this shortcut to save yourself the trouble of opening the menu each time.
Cast whirlwind and propel the cloud east (towards the right). Cast whirlwind when the cloud comes to a stop and propel it to the south (down).
Jump off the cloud and on to the platform to the right, and then follow it around before jumping on the next platform to the right.
Jump on to the moving platform to the right ,and then jump on to the moving platform to the north when it rotates into reach.
Jump on the static platform to the north and then hop on to the green cloud. Press the right shoulder button to cast whirlwind and propel the cloud to the west (left).
Hop on to the rocky outcropping to the left and then op the Psynergy menu. Select Matthew when asked whose Psynergy you want to use, and then select "Grip."
Select the stalagmite on the rocky outcropping to the north as your target to propel your character towards it. Jump on to the platform to the right and then hop on to the green cloud.
Cast whirlwind and propel the cloud south (backwards) and then cast whirlwind again to propel the cloud east (right).
Cast whirlwind a third time and propel the cloud north (forward) where it will reach a column of air that propels you upwards towards the next section.
Jump on to the moving platform to the left and then jump on to the static platform to next to it when it is in reach.
Jump two platforms to the north and then jump on the rotating platform. Jump off on the static platform to the north and then continue to the east (left) until you cannot continue any further.
Jump on the platforms to the south and then jump on to the moving platform to the east (right). Jump off on to the static platforms to the right and then continue along these platforms until you reach the rocky outcropping towards the east.
Follow the path north (up) from the rocky outcropping to reach the next area.
Continue along the north path, past a purple crystal, until you reach a green cloud. Hop on to the green cloud. Hop on to the green cloud and then cast whirlwind to propel it north and into the next area.
Jump off the cloud on to the rocky outcropping and then hop on to the next green cloud to the right. Cast whirlwind to propel the cloud to the east (right), taking care to avoid the rotating gray spheres.
Cast whirlwind again and propel the cloud to the north (upwards) while avoiding the gray spheres.
Jump on to the static platforms to the left and continue (west) left until you reach a rotating platform.
Hop on to the rotating platform and then jump off on to the static platforms to the left. Walk north to reach the rocky outcropping and then hop on to the green cloud to the right of it.
Cast whirlwind and propel the cloud to the east (right) and then cast whirlwind again to propel the cloud to the north (upwards). This takes you to the center of an air column that pushes you up to the next area.
Hop off the cloud and on to the platform to the right and then continue along the steps to the north until you reach the area.
Continue along the steps to get out of the Clouds of Passaj and enter the Craggy Peak Ruins.