Talk to the pet shop owner. He will ask you to find his seven hiding puffles.
Visit the stage area, which is the town's playhouse theater. Pan to the left to find the red puffle sitting in the aisle between the two banks of theater seats.
Go to the gift shop. Inspect the clearance racks. The pink puffle is located on the ground in front of the rack to the right.
Enter the coffee shop. Make your way to the shop's book room. The yellow puffle will be sitting on the sofa to the left of the stairs.
Travel to the forest. Search the area, panning all the way to the right until you find the green puffle sitting alone in front of a patch of pine trees.
Go to the ski lodge. Climb up to the attic level. The blue puffle will be seated on the blue sofa.
Visit the night club. Enter the lounge area. Pan to the left. The purple puffle will be located to the left of the second video game with the fire puffle painted on its cabinet.
Travel to the mine. Enter the mine shaft and locate the elevator. Look to the right of the elevator to discover the seventh and final puffle, the black puffle. Be careful not to overlook the puffle, which blends in to the surrounding rocks when its eyes are closed.
Travel back to the puffle pet shop. Speak to the shop owner to complete the mission. You will receive coins as a reward for completing the mini-mission.