The SuperCard SD̵7;s main storage unit consists of an external SD card, which allows you to store a large amount of content depending on each file̵7;s size. For transfers, users must insert the SD card into a USB-based SD reader, which is typically sold separately. Alternatively, many netbook computers provide a built-in SD slot, thus eliminating the need for a third-party reader.
General Usage
While other similar devices allow users to drag and drop desired games and applications into the SD card, the SuperCard SD relies on a conversion procedure to recognize such content. As the storage unit is connected to the computer, users must transfer files through a proprietary file conversion program available from the device̵7;s official homepage. All files are essentially converted into a Nintendo DS-compatible format.
Prominent Features
The SuperCard SD serves as a multi-purpose device. In addition to games and applications, the unit successfully recognizes text, MP3 and video files. However, these features require a separate media application known as Moonshell, which can be transferred along with all other executable games and programs. Furthermore, the SuperCard SD enables users to save a game̵7;s progress at any time. This effectively eliminates the need for in-game check points or other forms of restricted progress tracking.
As programmers continue to develop new and experimental software, the SuperCard SD team occasionally updates the card's firmware or its PC-based file-conversion application. New versions ensure that game compatibility remains stable by fixing or improving known bugs. Other updates may also add features not previously available.