Go to the product page for ̶0;The Urbz: Sims in the City̶1; on, and Ensure that you are viewing the Nintendo DS version, as there is more than one version of this game.
Compare the prices and quality of the game between the sites. Some sites may only offer the game in pre-played condition. While a pre-played game will usually work as well as a new game, it may not include all the original packaging or manuals.
Choose which site you want to purchase the game from and sign up for a free account, if you don̵7;t already have an account on the site.
Click the ̶0;Add to Cart̶1; button on the product page, log in to the site with your account information and follow the shopping cart instructions to order your copy of ̶0;The Urbz.̶1; You will need a form of online payment, such as a credit card or PayPal account, to complete the purchase.